For downloading curl
is needed.
Needed for setfacl
the package acl
is needed.
apt-get install curl acl
Check the releases at MinIO downloads
and get the latest release url from there.
For example like:
curl --remote-name --remote-header-name --location --create-dirs -o ${HOME}/downloads\
Download the MinIO client call inconveniently mc
like mc
from Midnight Commander.
curl --create-dirs -o ${HOME}/minio-binaries/mc
Create user minio-user
for the service to run under.
useradd --system minio-user
Create a configuration file /etc/default/minio
for the service.
# Volume to be used for MinIO server.
# Use if you want to run MinIO on a custom port.
MINIO_OPTS="--address :9199 --console-address :9001"
# Root user for the server.
# Root secret for the server.
# set this for MinIO to reload entries with 'mc admin service restart'
# Set redirection URL for the API on port 9199
Create the data directory and set the ownership so the service can access it.
In the LXC container which is used here no volume is mounted.
So directory/mnt/data
being used as regular directory.
mkdir /mnt/data
chown minio-user:minio-user /mnt/data
Install the package (your version of course)
dpkg -i ~/downloads/minio_20221129234049.0.0_amd64.deb
The client installation can be on any system.
In this case it is installed for the root
Create an alias called local
to refer to since in this case the service is local.
~/minio-binaries/mc alias set local http://localhost:9199 admin "<the-admin-password>"
And when the MinIO API is behind a proxy and the client is not on the same machine then create a remote
~/minio-binaries/mc alias set remote admin "<the-admin-password>"
To make the service and client update automatically add this to you crontab.
is optional.
# Set the e-mail address.
# Check for update minio service every night a 01:10 for alias server called 'local'
10 1 * * * /root/minio-binaries/mc admin update local
# Check for update minio client every night a 01:20
20 1 * * * /root/minio-binaries/mc update
Excerpt of the gitlab-runner config.
In this case the username is gitlab-runner
and needs to be added.
As for the bucket gitlab
it needs to be determined yet.
It is not working at the moment.
Maybe because the runner is not passing the hostname in the header
so the apache proxy does not route it properly.
Type = "s3"
Shared = true
AccessKey = "<the-user-name>"
SecretKey = "<the-user-password>"
BucketName = "gitlab"
Insecure = False
ServerAddress = ""